There are so many great products that FirstFitness Nutrition offers, not only for weight loss, but also for general wellness and exercise enhancement. In this post, I want to spotlight one of their weight loss enhancing products called Body FX.
Body FX is a delicious meal replacement shake, scientifically formulated to give you the nutrition of a complete meal. It provides a healthy "fast food" option that tastes GREAT, is good for you, and fills you up! It is an absolute FAVORITE among those who are currently doing the Suddenly Slim program. I can't tell you how many people have commented on how great they taste and how much they love them! Everyone I know, who has completely their 30 days, has decided to keep this product on hand and continue using it as a quick breakfast or even to use as a replacement at lunch or dinner time when they're trying to cut back on calories. They are THAT GOOD! :)
Aside from just TASTING good, they are also good for you! "Body FX supplies the ideal amounts of biological usable proteins, low-glycemic index carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for weight management and optimal health." They are also perfectly formulated for diabetics or people who have issues with their blood sugar levels. The sugars in Body FX are time released, thus eliminating that burst of "sugar high" that leaves you "bottoming out" within a couple of hours.
Before starting the Suddenly Slim program and using the Body FX shakes that come with it, I was having trouble with my sugar on a daily basis. No matter what I ate for breakfast, within about two hours I would start feeling weak, shaky, and just SICK. My sugar would drop too low and I would have to grab a snack right quick (something sugary) to help bring it back up quickly. Since starting these shakes for breakfast, I've not had that happen one single time!
The Body FX shakes are part of the Suddenly Slim 30 day weight loss program. To see more about the Suddenly Slim program or Body FX, you can visit the website at
Just a few other facts about Body FX:
- Body FX helps people lose weight by providing a controlled amount of calories and fat in a recommended portion.
- Biologically usable proteins with the optimal ratio of essential amino acids help the body form healthy new cells and tissues.
- Low Glycemic Index carbohydrates assist the body in generating sustained energy without causing an excessive amount of insulin secretion.
- Essential fatty acids enhance the production of beneficial Eicosanoids or short term superhormones, that control virtually every physiological function in the body.