Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Product Spotlight: Suddenly Slim Cleansing & Weight Loss Program

When Nathan and I decided we were tired of carrying around extra weight and feeling run down all the time, we decided what was best for us was to try the Suddenly Slim! Cleansing & Weight Loss Program from First Fitness Nutrition.  We didn't just happen upon this product and say "Hey, let's give this a try!" Rather, over a span of two to three years, we watched some friends of ours totally transform their bodies and keep the weight off.  So we knew it could work, but could it really work for us?  After researching it further and asking MANY questions from our friends who'd used the products, we too decided it could work for us.  This is something we could do! We decided that we could commit to 30 days and just see where it took us.  After THREE days, we were completely amazed! In as little as three days, we were seeing changes in our bodies and on the scales.  AND we were getting to eat real food, REAL BUTTER PEOPLE!! :) We weren't having to count calories or fat grams, and we weren't going hungry-we were satisfied and feeling great.   We would get up in the mornings, look in the mirror and say "Holy cow! It's melting off in our sleep!!"  It was great!

Now that we have lost the weight (I JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST SIZE 6 JEANS SINCE HIGH SCHOOL!!)  we have so much more energy and actually want to be active!  We feel better about ourselves, have more energy and have a renewed zest for life.  -and shopping!! :)

Here's the "skinny" on this kit:

Dieting is a multi-billion dollar industry. And the problem with most diets is that they provide only temporary solutions to weight challenges. Another ongoing issue is that many diets may require you to drop out of life, while you fulfill the requirements of a strange new, fad diet, that is unrealistic and that you cannot incorporate into your daily life. Therefore, once again you have only a temporary solution. But to maintain a healthy weight loss, one must adapt the basic tenets of a healthy diet, improving your metabolism, and ridding your body of excess toxins.

The Suddenly Slim Cleansing and Weight Loss Program is a proven and effective method to lose weight and maintain your weight loss. Developed by nutritional experts, scientists and medical doctors, Suddenly Slim is designed to produce results-fast!

3 Powerful Products:
The Suddenly Slim! Program is made up of 3 Powerful Products designed to cleanse and detoxify, reduce hunger, increase energy and provide optimal metabolic function.
An advanced inner body care formulation using all natural herbs to support the cleansing and detoxification of the body, which helps optimize your weight loss
-Slim 'N Up!-
 A nutrient-rich herbal formula that helps reduce hunger
 and increase energy. Enjoy increased vitality—while losing excess stored body fat.
-Body FX-
A delicious, meal-replacement “shake” with scientifically
 balanced nutrients for optimal metabolic function. Available in Tropical Crème & Chocolate Paradise