Studies show that one of the main reasons most people fail at weight loss is that they don't address the changes in brain chemistry caused by food that can be more powerful than the effects of cocaine.
A ground breaking study found that rats given diets of bacon, sausage, chocolate and cheese cake had sharp rises in "dopamine" and "serotonin," neurochemicals that affect the brain's pleasure centers. Later, when the researchers withheld these foods and tried to put the rats on nutritional foods, the rats refused to eat, almost to the point of starvation. The rats even chose to endure painful shocks to get to the sweet and fatty foods. They were literally addicted and it took two weeks for their brain to return to normal. Rats addicted
to cocaine, on the other hand, recovered normal brain functions in just two days.
The lesson:
Most people who are overweight don't experience more hunger than anyone else. They eat too much as a form of self-medication, unconsciously bringing to balance levels of the two brain chemicals that are disrupted by unhealthy foods.
When you eat foods that are high in fat, such as red meat, french fries and cheesecake, you experience a surge of dopamine.
It feels good, but the "high" is short lived. As dopamine levels decline, you may feel listless, sad or depressed. The quickest way to offset the negative feelings is to eat more high-fat foods...and the up-and-down cycle continues.
It’s the primary target of most antidepressant medications. People who consume a lot of sugar and carbohydrates made primarily from white flour (pasta, crackers, white bread) or a combination of sugar and white carbs (cookies, cakes, doughnuts) have increased seratonin that make them feel good.
But as
Weight loss programs, medical diet pills or diet supplements that don't deal with these issues discussed will rarely work and if they do, the lost weight will usually always more. You must go deeper and to the root of the issues to make a lasting change!
Taking the right supplements to reprogram, rebalance, and oxygenate your brain and body chemistry, to put you on the right path of weight loss and inch loss.
This is exactly what the XanoLean Supreme does!
I feel so blessed that at FirstFitness Nutrition we are the only company in the
world to have exactly the right products and programs for a person to achieve their weight loss, health and fitness goals!
(FYI: All of our products are safe, all natural, and come with a 100% money back guarantee! It's there for you, but you won't need it. :) 22 years of being in business, we have less than a 1% return rate!)
NEW XanoLean Supreme:
Maximum strength weight loss formula that suppresses hunger and controls appetite, controls overeating, increases fat burning, targets belly fat, breaks the food addiction cycle, increases energy and elevates mood.
Helps cleanse, detoxify, reprogram and oxygenates your body to feel better, to remove excess fecal matter in your colon and reduce bloating and inches.
Body FX:
Complete meal replacement shake. Supplies the perfect nutrition to your body while losing weight. Supports faster weight and inch loss. Can be used to lose weight, maintain weight loss or gain weight depending on how you choose to use it in your diet. See all of our weight loss, wellness and sports nutrition products at my website