Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Product Profile: Body FX!

There are so many great products that FirstFitness Nutrition offers, not only for weight loss, but also for general wellness and exercise enhancement.  In this post, I want to spotlight one of their weight loss enhancing products called Body FX

Body FX is a delicious meal replacement shake, scientifically formulated to give you the nutrition of a complete meal.  It provides a healthy "fast food" option that tastes GREAT, is good for you, and fills you up!  It is an absolute FAVORITE among those who are currently doing the Suddenly Slim program.  I can't tell you how many people have commented on how great they taste and how much they love them! Everyone I know, who has completely their 30 days, has decided to keep this product on hand and continue using it as a quick breakfast or even to use as a replacement at lunch or dinner time when they're trying to cut back on calories.  They are THAT GOOD! :)

Aside from just TASTING good, they are also good for you! "Body FX supplies the ideal amounts of biological usable proteins, low-glycemic index carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for weight management and optimal health."  They are also perfectly formulated for diabetics or people who have issues with their blood sugar levels.  The sugars in Body FX are time released, thus eliminating that burst of "sugar high" that leaves you "bottoming out" within a couple of hours. 

Before starting the Suddenly Slim program and using the Body FX shakes that come with it, I was having trouble with my sugar on a daily basis.  No matter what I ate for breakfast, within about two hours I would start feeling weak, shaky, and just SICK.  My sugar would drop too low and I would have to grab a snack right quick (something sugary) to help bring it back up quickly.  Since starting these shakes for breakfast, I've not had that happen one single time! 

The Body FX shakes are part of the Suddenly Slim 30 day weight loss program.  To see more about the Suddenly Slim program or Body FX, you can visit the website at www.firstfitness.com/julieholland

Just a few other facts about Body FX:

  • Body FX helps people lose weight by providing a controlled amount of calories and fat in a recommended portion.
  • Biologically usable proteins with the optimal ratio of essential amino acids help the body form healthy new cells and tissues.
  • Low Glycemic Index carbohydrates assist the body in generating sustained energy without causing an excessive amount of insulin secretion.
  • Essential fatty acids enhance the production of beneficial Eicosanoids or short term superhormones, that control virtually every physiological function in the body.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Testimonials and Other Updates

A new "Testimonials" tab is up! I have had so many great responses from everyone who has started the Suddenly Slim 30 day program since we have.  I have  shared a few of the emails and messages I've received from them under this "Testimonials" tab.  It's SO GREAT to hear how this is working for others like it has for Nathan and I, and to hear how excited they are about their weight loss and their "new" bodies!  It's such a great feeling to know you're helping others feel great about themselves and also to hear how they've found the motivation and energy to start exercising!!

Nathan's tab has been updated with his measurements now.  He lost a grand total of 16 inches! I have also updated more totals on the "Fellow Travelers" page.   Some of these have just blown me away! "19 lbs in 11 days; 20 lbs in 18 days; 16 inches in 11 days!" WOW!!

Nathan and I are starting our second phase this week so that we can get to our goal weights.  Nathan will be there this week, as he only has a few lbs to go to get there.  I should reach mine in a couple more weeks. :D    SO EXCITING!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today marks our 30th day on the Suddenly Slim program! Although we have completed this phase and have had AWESOME success with it, we're going to keep going and lose even more!

Here are my stats as of Day 30!
Weight lost: 12.2 lbs
Inches lost:  16
I've gone down 2 pants sizes and from a large top to medium!  IN THIRTY DAYS!! :D 

Nathan's stats as of Day 30!
Weight lost: 15.8 lbs
Inches lost:
He has gone from wearing XL shirts to L.  He hasn't bought new pants yet but he will have to soon, as his are very cinched up with his belt.  His measurements aren't listed because he left for work this morning at 4am and his "measurer" doesn't do 4am! :) Updated inches coming soon!

We are really excited about our "new bodies" and look forward to the coming days when we get to our goal weights!!

Feeling blessed and grateful for FirstFitness Nutrition and to Bryan and Penny Fox for giving us this awesome opportunity!

You too can join us and the other "fellow travelers"on this journey! It's easy and fun! -never heard losing weight described THAT way before, have you! :)  If you're interested in hearing more about the Suddenly Slim program or any of the FirstFitness Nutrition products, send me a message on facebook or to julieholland1@gmail.com.

Check out our Fellow Travelers tab-several updates made there with current stats.  They are all doing GREAT!! Nothing quite like getting a message from them with their new "totals" and seeing their excitement!!  "THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!" :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I finally found some time today to make some updates to the totals on our personal pages and also for our "fellow travelers!"  

Today is mine and Nathan's 26th day on the program so yesterday was our day 25 weigh in day.  Nathan was out of town yesterday so he didn't get to measure yet but he has lost 13.8 lbs!  He is no longer wearing size XL shirts, he is now wearing a large. Hasn't been there since college! He hasn't bought new pants yet...just cinching 'em up with his belt. ha! I have to fix the creases in the back to try to hide it.  I am so proud of how well he has done even with being on the road and away from home so much with work and the Guard.  He looks great!  

I have lost 11 lbs and 14 3/4 inches.  More exciting to me is that I've gone down 2 pants sizes!! TWO!! AHHH!!! I'm also not wearing size large in tops anymore, yes, you heard me right...I'm a medium! :) I'm really excited about it, if you couldn't tell.  Not long ago, before starting this program, I was rubbing my elbow and felt this little pooch of fat...ON MY ELBOW! WHAAAT??? HOW? LORD, WHY THERE TOO? -my thoughts.  I've said goodbye to those tag-alongs! Also, women can relate to me with this one-men, stop reading and scroll down...you remember waking up one morning and realizing that your pillows had attached themselves to your back?  Just above or below (or BOTH!) your bra strap? Those mean, ugly pillows that make your shirts look bumpy in the back? Yep, I had them too.  Key word "HAD"...My "pillows" are back in my bed where they belong...not sneaking up under my shirts anymore! :D (big smile for that one!!)

I'm just in awe that it has been possible to make this kind of  change in our bodies in 25 days! And it's been easy! When you're literally seeing the weight and inch loss right before your eyes, it's so motivating to keep it up.  And also watching our "fellow travelers" experience it too has been just awesome! Hearing how great they are feeling and how they're seeing a difference in their clothes just gives Nathan and I such satisfaction and joy.  We have one who is a diabetic and has been able to decrease her insulin by half!! That's even more gratifying than the weight & inches she's lost.  Nothing else I can say about it...just EXCITING!