Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today marks our 30th day on the Suddenly Slim program! Although we have completed this phase and have had AWESOME success with it, we're going to keep going and lose even more!

Here are my stats as of Day 30!
Weight lost: 12.2 lbs
Inches lost:  16
I've gone down 2 pants sizes and from a large top to medium!  IN THIRTY DAYS!! :D 

Nathan's stats as of Day 30!
Weight lost: 15.8 lbs
Inches lost:
He has gone from wearing XL shirts to L.  He hasn't bought new pants yet but he will have to soon, as his are very cinched up with his belt.  His measurements aren't listed because he left for work this morning at 4am and his "measurer" doesn't do 4am! :) Updated inches coming soon!

We are really excited about our "new bodies" and look forward to the coming days when we get to our goal weights!!

Feeling blessed and grateful for FirstFitness Nutrition and to Bryan and Penny Fox for giving us this awesome opportunity!

You too can join us and the other "fellow travelers"on this journey! It's easy and fun! -never heard losing weight described THAT way before, have you! :)  If you're interested in hearing more about the Suddenly Slim program or any of the FirstFitness Nutrition products, send me a message on facebook or to

Check out our Fellow Travelers tab-several updates made there with current stats.  They are all doing GREAT!! Nothing quite like getting a message from them with their new "totals" and seeing their excitement!!  "THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!" :)

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