Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Product Spotlight: Gone 4 Good

Here's another product spotlight! This is an awesome product called Gone4Good.  It's a weight loss accelerator that has really helped me to take the weight off.  This is also a product I am SO GLAD I have on hand with the holidays coming up.  It'll soon be my BEST FRIEND when I'm getting ready to partake in the holiday spread of endless goodies! :)  So here's what it is and what it does:

Are you:
• Frustrated with your weight loss efforts and want
quicker results?

• Thinking about giving up, since all of your weight loss
efforts are not giving you the body you want?

• Dieting and exercising, yet you still cannot seem to lose
weight in certain places?

The Problem:
Losing weight can be very frustrating. However, for some people, there
are just areas where they cannot lose, despite their intense weight loss
and exercise efforts. This leaves them discouraged that they cannot
change their body image, no matter what they do. Eventually, after all
their efforts, they see no difference and they give up altogether. Thus
begins the added weight and inches, and the frustration cycle just keeps
going. In the meantime, their overall health continues to diminish as they
add even more weight and are too discouraged to try dieting again.

The Solution:
Gone4Good is the perfect solution for those who struggle with stubborn,
hard-to-lose fat. It accelerates weight loss and helps you lose unwanted
pounds and inches permanently.
Gone4Good is specifically designed to work synergistically with both the Suddenly
Slim 10-day and 30-day programs.
With its unique ingredients, Gone4Good changes the way your body
digests and metabolizes the foods that you eat to help you lose weight.
Gone4Good is a unique weight loss product that practically every
overweight person can benefit from using.

The Results

Gone4Good is designed to:
• Lower the Glycemic Index of foods at mealtime
• Helps reduce the absorption of fats and carbs
• Boosts the metabolism process in the body
• Help diminish hunger
• Improves glucose tolerance
• Support increased lean body mass and help reduce calories
• Helps get rid of stubborn fat

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Before/After Pictures!

Check out Nathan's page by clicking the tab at the top! He let me post his before and after pictures! :)
I've not posted mine yet...unfortunately, I took my before pics with NO makeup on, yucky hair and it looks AWFUL! (Because I said it really didn't matter, no one would EVER see the pictures!) When I can figure out how to edit in some makeup and clean, fixed hair, I'll post them. Let me take a little time to get my pride and ego in check first.  :-D

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Holidays Are Quickly Approaching! Eeek!!!

Did you know...
There are only 2 months and 17 days until THANKSGIVING?! Only 3 months and 18 days until CHRISTMAS??!!!
And only 3 months and 25 days until we start a NEW YEAR?!

It seems unreal how quickly 2011 is passing! The holiday season is knocking at our back door.  I am so glad that I am entering the holiday season and winter months with all that extra weight I was carrying LONG GONE! 

During the fall and winter season, I always add on a few (or QUITE A FEW!!) extra pounds, as do many people. This year Nathan and I will be starting the season with a leg up on the scales!  And if we do start to see the pounds creeping up on us, we will have our FirstFitness products right there to help us shed them just as quickly as we put them on.  It's a great feeling knowing that I'll be entering my favorite time of year with all the tools I'll need to keep those pestering pounds away!

There is still time for YOU to lose that extra weight too and enter the holiday season feeling great and loving your new appearance AND your smaller clothing! :D  I've said all along, if I can do it (a sugar junkie, carb addict, food's #1 fan) anybody can!!  And, GREAT day in the MORNING, I've been proven right over and over again by our fellow travelers who've also been meeting their goals and losing those pounds and inches! 

Don't wait till the "right time" because it'll never come.  Start today and be "Suddenly Slim" tomorrow!