Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Holidays Are Quickly Approaching! Eeek!!!

Did you know...
There are only 2 months and 17 days until THANKSGIVING?! Only 3 months and 18 days until CHRISTMAS??!!!
And only 3 months and 25 days until we start a NEW YEAR?!

It seems unreal how quickly 2011 is passing! The holiday season is knocking at our back door.  I am so glad that I am entering the holiday season and winter months with all that extra weight I was carrying LONG GONE! 

During the fall and winter season, I always add on a few (or QUITE A FEW!!) extra pounds, as do many people. This year Nathan and I will be starting the season with a leg up on the scales!  And if we do start to see the pounds creeping up on us, we will have our FirstFitness products right there to help us shed them just as quickly as we put them on.  It's a great feeling knowing that I'll be entering my favorite time of year with all the tools I'll need to keep those pestering pounds away!

There is still time for YOU to lose that extra weight too and enter the holiday season feeling great and loving your new appearance AND your smaller clothing! :D  I've said all along, if I can do it (a sugar junkie, carb addict, food's #1 fan) anybody can!!  And, GREAT day in the MORNING, I've been proven right over and over again by our fellow travelers who've also been meeting their goals and losing those pounds and inches! 

Don't wait till the "right time" because it'll never come.  Start today and be "Suddenly Slim" tomorrow!

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