Recently I heard a simple analogy about metabolism that really allowed me to better understand just how it works. After hearing this, I now know just why on days that I eat more, I lose more! (When I say I eat more-I mean snacking on primarily vegetables-not candy or chips.) It was baffling to me when I was doing the Suddenly Slim 30 Day Program that I needed to eat so much, when I was trying to lose weight. In my mind, losing weight meant eating a lot less and doing my best to NOT eat when I was hungry or wanting something to snack on between meals. This is a misconception that many people have due to what the world has told us about losing weight over the years and what we believe in our minds to be true.
Your metabolism is like a camp fire. To start the fire in the morning, you need wood (FOOD) and to get the fire going it helps to add fuel or igniter fluid (our SLIM N‘ UP XTREME SUPPLEMENTS). To keep that fire going or to build it bigger, you have to constantly keep adding on wood (FOOD) throughout the day. If you let the fire die down and then add on a pile of wood (FOOD), it just sits there and smolders. (FOOD SITS IN YOUR STOMACH AND COLON. YOUR BODY “SAVES IT” OR STORES THE SUGARS AND FATS FOR ENERGY USE LATER ON.) Your metabolism needs to CONSTANTLY be fed. At the end of the day, you need to put the fire out and clean out the ashes so that you have a fresh clean start and you’ll be successful in having a nice fire the next day. (our RENEU SUPPLEMENTS) Our colons are filthy! There’s a reason they call waste TOXIC. The walls of our colons contain hair follicles that trap parasites, funguses, and molds. As those toxins build up in those hair follicles on our colon walls it prevents our colons from absorbing the vitamins and nutrients in our foods. The Reneu supplements clean the walls of your colon and those hair follicles and gets rid of all those toxins that are built up.
This is why the Suddenly Slim 30 Day Program works so well! The all natural, herbal supplements boost your metabolism and energy and also cleanses your body so that your food is used better by your body. The daily guide and menu give you all the right “fuels” you need to build up that metabolism fire and burn off that stored fat!
So take the supplements, start EATING, and you’ll see greater LOSSES!
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