Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 10-Down AGAIN!

So, you're beginning to see a repetitive theme going here on this page...isn't it GREAT?!?! If you're doing this with us, you know exactly what I'm talking about because you're feeling the excitement TOO!!  EEEEEEE!!!!!!  :) (That'd be a high pitched squeal...NOT resembling that of a pig, not anymore anyway!!)

Today starts our 11th day.  That means this morning was our weigh and measure day again.  After 10 days, (TEN DAYS, I TELL YA!!!) I'm down 7.4 lbs and, get this!, 11 1/4 inches! And I still have 20 days to go.  
The plan encourages you to exercise daily, and I did ATTEMPT to walk one day. Loaded the "littles" in the double stroller and the two big girls got on their bikes.  We made it about two houses down and a bike tire was too low to ride, (whine,whine, whine) so we came back home and put it up; she decided to walk so the other one got on a scooter.  Off again...this time we made it about 4 houses down and the scooter rider decided she didn't want to ride it anymore, the handle bars were "NOT WORKING RIGHT!" (tears and wailing!).  All the while the other one is crying because it's "just SOOOO hot" and she "just can't go ANY further!" So, back home once more!  You see why I've been a bit hesitant about getting out and walking again...

Updates on Nathan coming soon! He's still doing great too!

1 comment:

  1. JUST A LITTLE SIDE NOTE: Once again I came face to face with those Roadhouse rolls...and I WON, AGAIN!! :) I didn't feel cheated or left out either! I felt a great sense of accomplishment!
