Thursday, July 28, 2011

Way To Go Peeps!!

I'm not sure there is anything more exciting to me right now than watching Nathan and I drop pounds and inches and begin to look good in our clothes again...EXCEPT being able to see the same results in others as well, and being able to share in their joy of their new, slimmer bodies!  Every update I get, it's like it's happening to me too.  I am so proud of our "Fellow Travelers" and their success stories in the making! And I'm thrilled to know it has been an easy process for them, like it has been for us. 


Nathan & I  get to weigh and measure again on Saturday.  That will be our day 18.  BUT, we've actually been getting on the scales every morning- 'cause we're impatient like that. :) This morning, before starting our day 16, Nathan was down 11.8 lbs!!  I was down 10 lbs! Anxious to see the inch loss too on Saturday.  Yesterday I tucked in a shirt for the first time in like FOREVER! And I wasn't self conscious thinking my belly was sticking out. :-0 I'm also beginning to actually LIKE my upper arms! Really?!? Sleeveless shirts have been a no!-no! for me since, I don't know, 10th GRADE!! :)

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